Big Book of Stress Relief Games


7-1/4″ x 9-1/4″, 224 pages.

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In Big Book of Stress Relief Games author Robert Epstein, Ph.D. presents quick, fun activities to help individuals and workgroups relieve stress.

The book contains fifty activities that teach a wide range of stress-management techniques including relaxation postures, imagery activities, muscle relaxation activities, thought-restructuring activities, and breathing activities.

These easy-to-use activities can be taught in 10 – 15 minutes and used throughout the day either individually or in a group.

The book closes with a useful self-test, which you may copy and share with your team. The test measures participants’ skill in four different types of stress management. With training and practice, Epstein says, everyone can improve their skill at stress management.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction: Understanding the costs of stress and the benefits of stress management
  • The Anti-Boredom Game: Positive planning for the slow times
  • The Beastly Boss Game: Fantasy and role playing that focuses on the boss
  • Beliefs That Can Kill: A look at irrational thinking in the workplace
  • The Bliss List: Creating a personalized list of relaxing activities
  • Blowing Away the Tension: Quick relaxation with the cleansing breath
  • Blowing Up the Company: Putting things in perspective with guided imagery
  • Building a Relaxation Machine: Learning to use the materials at hand to aid relaxation
  • Capturing a Daydream: Unguided imagery to promote relaxation and creativity
  • Compu-Relaxation: Using the computer as a relaxation tool
  • Corporate Space Oddity: Guided imagery in deep space
  • Corporate Telephone: An amusing variation on the telephone game
  • The Coworker from Hell: A role play for coping with interpersonal conflict
  • Dancing with your Eyes: Quick and easy eye-movement relaxation
  • The Glittering Roof: A guided-imagery fantasy
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Learning to distinguish good and bad ways to manage stress
  • Gravity Magic: Relaxing with the passive stretch technique
  • Hands that Heal: The art of self-massage
  • Hour Power: Learning to schedule break time
  • Keeping the Fires Burning: Fighting burnout with small changes
  • The Laugh Graph: The power of humor in lowering stress
  • A Little Help from My Friends: Creating mutual support teams
  • The Make-a-Fist Technique: A simple muscle relaxation technique
  • Make Me Laugh: Handling stressful situations with humor
  • Making It Personal: Designing a personal relaxation regimen
  • Meditation for the Impatient: Learning the relaxation response
  • The Nirvana Room: Designing a low-stress workplace
  • One Minute in Hell: Learning to cope with discomfort
  • The Place of Perfect Peace: Partially guided imagery that takes you there
  • Popeye Puffs: Pumping out bad air with the double blow
  • Punch That Pillow: Learning to redirect workplace hostility
  • Reach for the Sky: An active stretching exercise
  • Ready, Set, Sit: The power of the relaxation posture
  • Red, White, and Very Blue: A colorful approach to managing stress
  • Run for Your Life: Quick aerobics for the office
  • The Seek and Kill Game: Finding and eliminating sources of stress
  • Stacked to the Ceiling: A structured approach to organizing and prioritizing
  • Staying Cool, Getting Hot: Using temperature sensors for quick and easy biofeedback
  • Tangerine Trees: A fanciful guided-imagery exercise
  • The Ten-Year Planner: Fighting stress with long-term planning
  • The Terrific Tummy Technique: An easy way to learn abdominal breathing
  • This Perfect Day: Guided imagery to promote relaxation and planning
  • The Time-Tested Ten Count: An anger control exercise
  • Turn, Turn, Turn: A simple head-turning and head-tilting exercise
  • The Turtle Technique: Learning to withdraw constructively
  • The Twenty-Eight-Hour Day: Squeezing more hours into less through time management
  • The Warmth of the Sun: An imagery exercise for beach lovers
  • What D’Ya Know?: A stress management self-quiz for the organizational setting
  • The Whoosh Game: A powerful thought-restructuring exercise
  • Within You, Without You: An imagery exercise exploring the body and surroundings
  • The World is Round: The ultimate thought restructuring exercise

About the Author

Robert Epstein, Ph.D. is editor-in-chief of Psychology Today and a professor at United States International University. His research has been widely reported and his popular articles have appeared in The Washington Post and Reader’s Digest.


See two stress relievers.


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