Most frontline reps will only face a truly rude or insulting customer a handful of times in their career. But it’s important to be prepared, say the editors of Customer Communicator, the training and motivation newsletter for frontline reps.
Many organizations use the three strikes approach. This involves giving the customer two polite but firm warnings, followed by a final warning that the call will be terminated if the behavior continues.
For example, the warnings might sound like this:
First warning: “I understand how frustrated you are, but I would appreciate if we could keep our conversation professional.”
Second warning: “Ms. Jones, I want to find a resolution for you, but if this language continues I’ll have to end the call. Now let’s get back to …”
Third warning: “I’ve asked you twice to stop using abusive language. If it continues, I’ll have to terminate the call, and a supervisor will follow up with you tomorrow.”
If the language continues, the call is terminated with the words, “I’m sorry that I can’t continue this conversation right now. I’ll have my supervisor call you tomorrow.”
Tips for working with angry or upset customers appear regularly in Customer Communicator.