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Handle Unfriendly Policies The Right Way

Most companies have some policies that are less than customer friendly. How reps handle them can make all the difference to customers. In the May issue of Customer Communicator, the newsletter for frontline reps, the editors encourage reps to consider the following five points when customers question a policy: 1. Avoid saying, "That isnā€™t our companyā€¦Continue reading


Avoid This Negative Language Trap

Small shifts in the words frontline reps use can have an oversized impact on the workplace and customer interactions. In the May issue of Customer Communicator, the newsletter for frontline reps, the editors encourage reps to remove negative language from their conversations with customers, coworkers, and even in their self-talk. An often overlooked source of negativeā€¦Continue reading


Find Your Positive Attitude

A positive outlook directly contributes to reduced stress and improved productivity at work and at home. In the May issue of Customer Communicator, the newsletter for frontline reps, the editors share several quick tips to help customer service reps think more positively. Tip 1. Reframe. When negative thoughts crop up, acknowledge them and then reframe themā€¦Continue reading


Replace These Negative Words

In the May issue of Customer Communicator, the newsletter for frontline reps, the editors encourage reps to remove negative language from their conversations with customers and coworkers. The reason, they say, is based on neuroscience. Experiments show that painful or negative words release stress and anxiety-inducing hormones. On the other hand, using positive language can helpā€¦Continue reading


Refresh Essential Phone Skills

Each time a service rep speaks with a customer, they take on a unique role. For that brief period of time, they are the company to that customer. In the training guide, Handbook of Essential Phone Skills, the authors provide over a dozen techniques that reps can use to present themselves and their organizations in theā€¦Continue reading


Stop Mumbling

People who regularly speak in public are some of the best communicators. They understand how to present themselves as knowledgeable and authoritative, how to engage an audience, and how to deliver a message in the most compelling and persuasive way. In the April issue of Customer Communicator, the newsletter for frontline reps, public speakers share techniquesā€¦Continue reading


Improving Voice Quality

The quality of a service professionalā€™s voice sets the tone for each customer conversation. The well trained voice will sound confident, trustworthy, interested, and likable, and will smooth the way to a positive interaction. In the training guide, Sounding Great on the Phone, the author provides six techniques to become a more polished and professional speaker. Itā€¦Continue reading


Use Concrete Language

Researchers have found that after the initial greeting, customer service reps are seen as more helpful when they use concrete or specific language. The March issue of Customer Communicator, the newsletter for frontline reps, includes four customer service tips that are backed by recent research. This includes the benefits of using concrete or specific language. "Includingā€¦Continue reading


Discover “Service Listening”

On the phone or in person, listening is the single most important service skill. And while people assume they know how to listen, the truth is that listening is a technique, which most people will practice and refine throughout their careers.In the training guide, Effective Listening, the authors take readers through eight steps to becomeā€¦Continue reading


Speak As An Individual

While customer service reps may think of themselves as part of the service team, or part of the larger organizational team, recent research shows that customers respond more positively to representatives who refer to themselves in the singular such as "I", "me", and "my" instead of "we" or "our" This language suggests that the repā€¦Continue reading