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Use The “Language of Encouragement”

The way that service teams communicate internally is just as important as the way that they communicate with customers, says communications expert Dr. Alan Zimmerman. One of the keys to creating a positive workplace and productive relationships is to speak what Zimmerman calls "the language of encouragement." He offers these tips: Give a compliment. It’s…Continue reading


Delivering Bad News To Customers

Everyone has to deliver bad news at one time or another. And it's never fun. To make the task easier, try these ideas from trainer Andrea Nierenberg of the Nierenberg Group: Do it quickly. If you string customers along, they will only become stressed and distrustful. This affects your organization’s reputation and its ongoing relationship…Continue reading


How To Handle Nosy Questions

It’s happened to every customer service rep. A customer you've worked with, and built a nice rapport with, asks a question that feels too personal, or just plain nosy. The best way to deal with this situation, says Maralee McKee, head of The Etiquette School of America, is to make it clear that there are…Continue reading


Sharing A Customer’s Grief

When you work in customer service, you will occasionally encounter customers who are ill or who have received bad news concerning themselves or others. It’s never easy to know what to say or do in these situations. Oftentimes, more is less. A few simple words can be more powerful than a long, drawn out expression…Continue reading


Body Language Matters, Even On The Phone

Body language is essential when working with customers face-to-face. But even on the phone, body language is important, says Sharon Sayler, the author of What Your Body Says (And How to Master the Message). "We should be aware of our own body language because we send messages unconsciously all the time, even over the phone. And…Continue reading


Welcome New Customers

Customer service reps who are "welcomers" make people feel important, appreciated, and valued as a customer and as a person. But not everyone is a natural welcomer. If you fall into that category, be alert to opportunities to welcome new customers to your organization. Richard R. Shapiro, author of The Welcomer Edge says that there are certain…Continue reading